Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dixie's discovery of Jazzy

Hi! It's me, Dixie!  I've been keeping busy barking at school buses this week, but I miss my little humans being home. To pass the time I decided to read mommy's email, and I discovered something cool!  Mommy won a book.  I know that this doesn't seem like exciting news to those of us who would rather chew our feet, but the exciting twist is that mommy got picked by a dog!  That's right! Jazzy, an adorable Japanese Chin, pulled my mommy's name from her dog bowl and declared her victory over the other book-lover-humans.  I need a cool job like that! Jazzy has inspired me to seek new places to use my talents.  Don't worry, I will still maintain the high level of home security and diva responsibilites that are expected by my fans.  However, I am ready to embark on my pursuit for a glamorous side job.  Updates will follow shortly.  Your diva-Dixie

1 comment:

  1. Very exciting! You have the personality to succeed at whatever you do! Keep your fans posted. :)
